Zurich Insurance – Concept

Brand / Client: Zurich Insurance

Target Market: (where the growth will come from)

  • Early 30’s
  • 50:50 Male/Female (currently females are under insured)


Market Insights: (this is important in terms of your strategy and ultimately then the creative)

  • As with cars, insurance is very often a ‘buying organisation’ decision where one has different role players e.g. the females might be the influencers whereas males are the actual buyers
  • If one desires a younger market, the core message does not have to be changed, but rather the language and mediums of delivery (e.g. Early 30’s = social media)
  • Insurance is a ‘grudge’ purchase because it focusses on ‘possible negative moments’
  • As human beings we are instinctively aware of the fleeting nature of our very existence
  • From this stems a need to protect life in all its different forms albeit ours or that of our loved ones (one could argue that the mere fragility of life makes it even more beautiful and desirable and the need to protect it that much stronger):
  • One only needs to look at the ‘triggers’ to confirm the above (life-changing moments)
  • The reality is, however, that we can’t protect life…which is why there is distrust when it comes to insurance companies…but we can protect our quality of life


Insurance Buying Triggers:

  • Children’s growing needs (e.g. education)
  • Death
  • Lifestyle Changes (e.g. marriage)
  • Starting a Family


Message Strategy:

Death and loss is inevitable. You can’t really insure yourself against that. But you can insure quality of life. Instead of focusing message on loss & damage focus it on quality of life i.e. when you are ensured, you can live your life to the fullest – despite the loss and damage that may come. Insurance allows you to live life optimally. This is a positive spin on insurance.

Creative Concept: “Life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take, but by the moments that take or breath away”. Zurich: Insure the Life in your Years



Zurich Insurance

Concept suits of adverts for Zurich Insurance.

  • Categories:
  • Skills:
    • Art Direction
    • Copywriting
    • Illustrator
    • InDesign
    • Photoshop
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